Full power circlesss


Full body strength training + Cardio
Cycle 4
Training tips: Record your weights to see your progress.

Nutrition Tips: Drink your PostWorkout shake immediately after your training, and then take your PostWorkout Meal to you (30 to 40 minutes after the shake)

Full body strength training

Warm-up program:
3 rounds, perform each exercise for 60 seconds
1) Jumping rope
2) Jumping Jacks

Each exercise 10 repetitions
1) Walkout with Legs Stretched & amp; Upper body rotation
2) Plank lung with upper body rotation

Main Training:
3 rounds, perform each exercise for 60 seconds
1) Each exercise 2 sets and 15 repetitions
a) Set pause: 40 seconds
b) After the exercise: 60 second pause then continue with the next exercise
2) Front knee bend with barbell
A)- Full body exercise, primarily for the body parts: thighs and buttocks
Superset: Bound Squat
– Explosive force, primarily for the body parts: thighs
3) Cross lifting with barbell:
a) – For the thighs and the buttocks
Superset: Intermittent Dropouts

– Explosive force, primarily for the body parts: thighs

Treadmill settings with distances and pauses for your sprints:
A.) 400m 10% slope -> 2 minute break
B.) 400m 3% slope -> 2 minute break
C.) 200m 10% slope -> 2 minute break
D.) 200m 5% slope -> 2 minute break
E.) 100m 10% slope -> 2 minutes break
F.) 400m 1% slope

Tip: Record your speed at each sprint so you have motivation for the next unit.






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  1. dfsdf sdfsdf


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